Caroline Bearss

Caroline Bearss

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Caroline Bearss

8 Macleod Estate Crt
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4E0B1 | map | directions
Environmental Medicine
Dr Caroline Bearss ND, MEd, DOmp, BBEC, MDiv in Clinical Psychotherapy (in process) Dr Bearss ND is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and has enjoyed practicing Naturopathic and Osteopathic manual therapy in Muskoka and Richmond Hill, Ontario since 2000. Caroline blends the art of Naturopathic Medicine with science-based evidence using Auricular Medicine (a form of autonomic response testing developed by Dr Paul Nogier MD), Environmental Medicine, Dark Field Microscopy and other diagnostic and laboratory testing. In 2007 she became a certified Building Biologist and Environmental Consultant which examines the biological impacts of the built environment. Being a Building Biologist, with a special interest in Mycotoxins and Electromagnetic Radiation, led Caroline to speak for the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors, Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, and the late Dr Walter Crinnion ND. Her articles can be found in the CAND's Vital Link, OAND's The Pulse and on the Canadian Naturopathic Foundation's website. Dr Bearss ND is dedicated to working directly with patients to provide healthcare, advocacy and education. She is keenly interested in the greater political, cultural, socio-economic systems which inform the practice of Naturopathic Medicine and served on the Board of Directors for the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors 2019-2020. Animal welfare is a passion and focus for Dr Bearss ND. She volunteers for a foundation that works closely with Loggerhead Marine Life Center in Florida (the largest medical and educational sea turtle rescue and release centre in the world), and is working to develop Ontario's first surgical veterinarian clinic for large wild animals in Orangeville. The foundation also works with the African Wildlife Foundation (specifically anti-poaching initiatives in East and Central Africa). Caroline has had the privilege to visit the Sniffer Dog operations in Tanzania and trek the Virunga Massif Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda to sit with a family of endangered Mountain Gorillas. What an experience! Currently completing a Masters of Divinity in Clinical Counselling/Psychotherapy, Dr Bearss ND is passionate about mental and emotional health. Research supports physical, dietary and lifestyle reasons for depression, anxiety and other conditions. A treatment plan which includes naturally treating these underlying contributing factors can provide a whole approach to care.
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