Deborah Kennedy

Deborah Kennedy

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Dr. Deborah Kennedy, BSc MBA ND PhD I'm Dr. Deborah Kennedy, a licensed naturopathic doctor (ND) in Ontario, with a focus on women's health and cancer support. With more than 15 years of clinical experience as an ND, my background also includes extensive involvement in the research community. I believe we need to balance science with tradition and evidence with experience to best support optimal health and healing. Before becoming an ND, I spent many years in the corporate world, helping organizations solve problems. As I climbed the corporate ladder, I realized that I had moved far away from the people that I was helping. I wanted to see the positive impact that my solutions were having and have that one-on-one understanding and face-to-face interaction. So, I returned to school to complete the rigorous 4-year naturopathic doctoral program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and then completed my PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. I believe that ongoing learning is essential to quality patient care and have most recently completed the exclusive Terrain Based Treatment T Practitioner Certification so that I can better serve those navigating a cancer journey.

Products and Services
How I Can Help Women’s Health Whether you’re dealing with problematic periods, sleep problems during perimenopause, anxiety from hormonal swings, or other women’s health concerns—naturopathic medicine can give you answers and relief. Terrain based Treatment™ Whether you want to minimize the side effects of treatments, strengthen your body after cancer care, or reduce your risk of recurrence – Terrain based Treatment™ is a revolutionary and comprehensive approach to help you thrive through your cancer journey.
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 (Date: 2/8/2025)