Fiona McCulloch

Fiona McCulloch

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Fiona McCulloch

Fertility & Prenatal Health
Fiona McCulloch BSc RAc ND is a Toronto Naturopath, in practice since 2001. She graduated from the University of Guelph and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Fiona\'s special interests are in fertility, women\'s health and hormonal health. She has created unique natural medicine fertility programs well as acupuncture/supplement support programs for those who are undergoing IVF procedures. Fiona also has a special interest in autoimmune disease, especially those related to thyroid health and fertility. She is an affiliate of The Fertile Soul Clinical Excellence in Fertility Professionals and trained in TCM approaches to infertility with Dr. Randine Lewis. Fiona has also completed advanced training in acupuncture to improve the outcome of IVF procedures. Fiona also has experience treating a wide range of women\'s and hormonal conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, menopausal concerns, adrenal conditions and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Fiona has appeared on television, and is involved in research and writing - for more information and to read Fiona\'s research based blog, please visit her website at Fiona lives in Toronto with her husband and three boys who inspire her to help others create the families they dream of.
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