Laurie Alpert

Laurie Alpert

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Laurie Alpert

4380 S Service Rd #3
Burlington, ON L7L5Y6 | map | directions
Botanical MedicineCounselingHormonal HealthMental/EmotionalMigrainesMind-Body TechniquesNervous SystemNutritionStress ManagementThyroid DisordersWeight ManagementWellbeing and Health PromotionAgingNeurologicalWellbeing and Health ProgramsWomen's Health
Connect With Us

Laurie offers women who do it all effective integrative and transformative health care that allows them to fully show up in midlife with confidence, clarity, and choice. Her mission is to shift the experience for hard working women away from the boundaryless self-sacrifice and hormonal suffering that has been normalised beyond recognition, to a life of strength, sustainable energy, and hormonal harmony. She focuses on supporting restful sleep and transitioning hormones (menopause). Drawing from her years of practice as a naturopathic doctor, and combining extensive research into sleep, hormones, menopause, and mental health, she guides women back to life full of strength, confidence, and connection.

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 (Date: 7/27/2024)