Rahima Hirji

Rahima Hirji

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Rahima Hirji

81 Douglas Drive
Toronto, Ontario M4W 2B2 | map | directions
Hormonal Health
Dr. Rahima is a Naturopathic Doctor and the founder of Sage Naturopathic Clinic. She incorporates a range of therapies to best address individual health concerns, including nutrition, acupuncture, supplements, homeopathy, botanical medicine, and traditional chinese herbal medicine. She also uses a wide variety of diagnostic tools and tests such as food sensitivity testing, salivary hormone testing, urine analysis, blood work, and specialized bowel function tests to help diagnose and tailor treatment plans for a variety of health conditions. She has treated patients with skin problems, anxiety, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hormonal imbalances and bowel conditions such as IBS, Crohn's and Colitis. She also has a keen interest in autoimmune diseases including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis and works extensively with infertility, women's health and pediatrics. Dr. Rahima also offers a weight loss program geared towards helping patients achieve a healthy weight and overall well-being. She is also certified in Intravenous Therapy (IV) and is one of only a handful of Naturopathic Doctors licensed to practice IV therapy in the KW area. In the past little while, she has developed a keen interest in habits and how changing your habits can change your life. She has started a blog at www.buildingyourbetterlife.com.
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