Effy Germanis ND

Effy Germanis ND

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Dr. Effy Germanis is a Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Acupuncturist and is a lover of gut health. She is the owner of Hygeia Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto, Ontario and helps both men and women achieve optimal health by addressing the foundations – the gut. With over 10 years of clinical experience she has helped those with gut issues reclaim their health and their relationship with food.

Dr. Effy Germanis ND, R. Ac is passionate about helping people dealing with gut issues the ability to step away from pain and indigestion and into a place of enjoyment and nourishment. She has dealt with her own issues that not only affected her gut but began to affect the function of her hormones, and she understands the pain and struggle. She has felt the burnout and has found balance and enjoyment with her gut and her health. She is here and ready to help you flourish – “we are what we eat,” so let’s be healthy, nourishing and delicious.

Dr. Effy Germanis ND, R.Ac completed her Honours Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and Biomedical Ethics from the University of Toronto in 2008. She then furthered her studies at Bastyr University and completed the four-year doctorate program in 2012. She also completed a 2 year Acupuncture Diploma at the Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2016.

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