Jennifer Ing ND

Jennifer Ing ND

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Jennifer Ing ND

Digestive DisordersEndocrinologyGeriatricsPediatrics and Childhood Disorders
When I first heard about naturopathic medicine, I really appreciated the philosophy behind it and its holistic approach of looking at our bodies\' physical, physiological, social and emotional health. I believe that we can thrive by balancing our lives - which is an art in and of itself. Our sphere of influence within our friends and families is far-reaching, and with small lifestyle changes a domino effect can happen within communities. By tapping into sustainable lifestyle choices and environmentally friendly habits, we can protect the health of not just people but our world. I have a general family practice with an interest in mental health and wellness. I am committed to providing personalized, integrated healthcare for the long-term wellness of my patients. During each visit, I will listen to your health story and support you in reaching your health goals.
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 (Date: 1/10/2025)