Katherine Scott

Katherine Scott

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My initial fascination with medicine wasn't exactly romantic - in its earliest evolution, it started with an emergency room visit at the age of three in which I watched in awe as my ring finger was re-attached and was punctuated throughout my childhood as I was pushed through the system as a competitive dancer suffering from chronic back pain and then a hormonal teenager suffering from unexplainable neurological symptoms mimicking a stroke. As a result, I saw several sides of medicine - emergent in and out care that quite literally put me back together to chronic disease specialists that had the tools but couldn't seem to carve out time to validate, diagnose, treat and/or monitor my condition. After all - \"you're young, you'll probably be fine.\" I chose Naturopathic Medicine because I enjoy the deep dive work, finding what underpins a disease process and carefully unravelling disease factors. Working as an ND affords me the time to listen, learn, educate and monitor my patients in a way that aligns with values and allows me to deliver the highest quality care and comprehensive follow up. My promise to you: as your doctor I will take time to listen, remain curious, hold you accountable and act as a fierce health advocate. One of my core values is courage - I promise to be courageous enough to brave, with you, the very vulnerable space that lies between problem identification and \"the fix.\" (note: you are NOT broken) I bridge the gap between modern medicine and traditional wisdoms in a way that serves my patients\' highest health. My goal is to empower women to reclaim their health and happiness because we know that a healthy woman translates to a community of healthy people. Given the tools - women learn, women teach, women share and women lead! That is world changing! I know personally how dangerous the gender gap in medicine and research has become for women in the 21st century so I focused my practice on women and treating females differently because - we ARE different. Your physiology, your disease factors and your metabolism require a unique approach to health optimization. I will meet you were you are, use strategic assessment to obtain both objective and subjective data points to assess progress, functional medicine testing to confirm a naturopathic diagnosis and education as the basis for all treatment plans. I also pride myself in working closely with my patients\' other health care providers to ensure my care is adjunctive and supports the patient ability to meet and exceed their health goals safely. I started my formal training by obtaining an Honours degree in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences from the University of Ottawa before attending the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. At the College, I acted as Vice President - Clinic within the student council, travelled to Nicaragua and delivered primary care to over 150 locals on Ometepe Island in 2014, sat on the admissions committee, was the first student to sit on the Clinical Therapeutic's Committee (CTC) and was selected to join the first group of interns to work in Canada's first fully integrated, hospital based, naturopathic out-patient clinic. I completed a 12 month rotation at the Brampton Civic Naturopathic Teaching Clinic while working concurrently at the Parkdale Community Health Centre servicing low income patients and at the College's onsite clinic - The Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. At home, I go by \"mama.\" My husband and I are proud members of the \"two-under-under\" club and our dogs make us a family of 6. Design work is my secret artsy passion and I'm currently working on mastering my mom-bun, my iced-coffee and macrame.
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