Reecha Panchal ND

Reecha Panchal ND

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Connect With Us
Hi I’m Dr. Reecha Panchal, Naturopathic Doctor. 
My passion for educating and empowering people on their health journey brought me to Natural Route Health where I get to work alongside an impressive integrative team. 
I was born in Brampton, completed my undergradraduate at the University of Windsor and studied Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. I have an amazing husband, incredible family and playful puppy who bring me endless joy. I practice gratitude daily and am a firm believer in manifestation, trusting in my intuition. 
I’m passionate about helping people find out their “why” and getting results they deserve by asking the hard questions. I’m here to educate and motivate you on your path to achieving your goals. Over here, we don’t settle for anything less. 
I’m a health advocate with a special interest in digestive and mental health. These days, I am focused on supporting patients with insulin resistance, diabetes and PCOS. 
It’s my greatest joy to connect with people and share in their live experiences, while still calling it work. 
Remember, there are answers to your questions and there are root causes to your problems, whether you’re looking to stay healthy or get well, we can work together to make it happen.


Products and Services
Virtual Naturopathic Consultations.
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  Reecha Panchal ND  

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 (Date: 3/12/2025)