Shawna Darou ND

Shawna Darou ND

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Dr. Shawna Darou is a licensed and registered Naturopathic Doctor, who graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine ( at the top of her class and was the recipient of the prestigious Governor’s Medal of Excellence. She is a member of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors, the Canadian Naturopathic Association and the Institute of Naturopathic Education and Research. Naturopathic medicine is her second career, her first being Engineering Chemistry from Queen’s University. She now uses her analytical brain and problem solving skills especially in the complicated arena of hormonal health, and in solving health puzzles.

Dr. Darou is also a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner through the Institute of Functional Medicine (, as a much asked-for, and complementary health perspective.

Dr. Shawna Darou N.D. has a clinical focus in women’s health care, hormone balance, cognitive wellness and functional medicine, and has treated thousands of women in her Toronto clinic since 2004. She is a dedicated and caring doctor with a gentle approach who is committed to the health of her patients. Dr. Darou’s is also an avid health writer, and her popular health blog is read by close to 8,000 people each week!

Outside of the office, Dr. Darou is the mother of two beautiful teenage children who inspire her to evolve the medical model in order to reform healthcare for the next generation.

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 (Date: 3/12/2025)