Tara Anchel ND

Tara Anchel ND

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Dr. Tara Anchel is a registered naturopathic doctor (ND) and graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Anchel has been treating patients in Ottawa since 2008. As a primary health care provider, Dr. Anchel works with patients to identify the underlying cause of illness and create individualized treatment plans for health concerns including: digestive health, women's health and hormones (from teens, through fertility, and on to menopause) and autoimmune conditions. Dr. Anchel has pursued extensive continuing education in women's hormonal health, including obtaining a certificate from the University of Florida in Prescribing Bio-Identical Hormones. Her treatment plans include clinical nutrition, botanical (herbal) medicines, acupuncture, and bio-identical hormones. Dr. Anchel is registered with The College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO) and is a member in good standing of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND). Dr. Anchel has completed the necessary requirements to meet CONO's Prescribing Standard of Practice; to prescribe bio-identical estrogen, bio-identical progesterone and natural desiccated Thyroid Hormone (ERFA).

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