Dr. Priya Duggal ND, is a licensed naturopathic doctor committed to provide holistic individualized care. Her focus is to empower patients; enabling them to make informed choices about their health and to coach them to make health a priority. Dr.Priya believes that preventive medicine is the best form of health care and she uses every patient encounter as an opportunity to educate patients on strategies to prevent events from happening in the first place.
Dr. Priya obtained her Doctor of Naturopathy Degree from Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto (CCNM). She interned at Robert Schad naturopathic clinic, Brampton Civic naturopathic clinic and Anishnawbe Health Toronto. During this internship, she took an elective course in adjunctive cancer care to provide the most updated care to her patients. On graduation, she was awarded the \"Estate of Joyce Vanderburgh\" Scholarship for demonstrating outstanding clinical performance and for best patient interaction. Prior to attending CCNM, Dr. Priya was trained as a medical doctor in India and did her post graduate training in pediatrics and family medicine from Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, UK. She has an extensive background in conventional medicine - more than twelve years of medical education and 8 years of clinical practice as a medical doctor. Dr.Priya is trained to integrate conventional and natural medicine to give you the most natural, scientific and evidence based treatment protocol.
As a licensed primary care practitioner, Dr Duggal addresses every aspect of family medicine. She holds a special interest in treating autoimmune conditions, skin conditions, fatigue, sleep issues , digestive concerns, lifestyle diseases, joint health, mental health concerns and the full spectrum of women's health. She also helps cancer survivors lead their most optimal life by boosting their energy and immune system. Dr. Priya uses a wide array of modalities - Botanicals, Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Physical Medicine to treat her patients along with a strong emphasis on lifestyle changes and nutrition. Homeopathy, being a gentle approach, is her preferred choice when it comes to managing childhood illnesses.
Dr. Priya is in good standing with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO) and is licensed to practice naturopathy in Ontario. She is also a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) and the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND).